Sunday, July 14, 2024

My truest Essence of life

 Greetings all,

It's been a while since I posted so here I am again sharing my heart out.

Firstly being a mommy is so overwhelming that I couldn't be more thankful enough about what GOD have gifted me. My world My tiny little angel and my one and only Zaviyar.

When ever I feel like giving up in my life this tiny tot becomes my ray of hope. Yes I do breakdown at times but looking at him make me stand again with more power to face the world.And  Yes we all are stronger than we think we are. We just need motivation and inspiration to move on in life.

My baby is teaching me a lot daily, day by day as he learns something new and act on it make me wonder how blessed we are to have him. And trust me I still cherish the moment when I first saw him in the operation theatre I was half sedated but that first look oh my my i can't describe in words.

Religiously I as a Muslim have Quran and Sunnah with me to learn but soulfully I have my son . 

I am un able to describe what joy does he brings to my life. And before his birth And after getting married I believed I have found my soulmate but now after becoming a mom I have adhered where my soul belongs to.

And for my Zaviyar hopefully with in few years you will be reading all this so my son you are the truest essence of my life and you will always be.

Stay strong and stick to your values no matter where you are. As they say you are stronger than you think and wiser than you are.

And My baby mama will always be with you be it near or be it far.

Signing off for the time being 


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