Tuesday, May 7, 2024

From Mountains to SEA

 Greetings All,

Today I would like to take you all to my journey of sea just after reaching the sky through mountains as mentioned in my blog The Scenic Beauty

Well  I went on this trip with my friends from the Kashmir trip and SZABIST University mates and the trip was held to Churna Island in some where in Arabian sea , The details can be found over here Churna Island .

Well this island is only accessible through large boat , The trip started with the breakfast at Karachi then from there we were taken to Mubarak Village through bus. From there we were shifted to smaller boats which led us to larger boats at sea and during mid way we shifted from smaller boat to a larger ship and continued our journey till the island .

After reaching the island we were allowed to explore the sea through snorkeling, OH MY MY I Cant describe what it feels like to look inside the sea , The smaller fishes right next to you , The sea creatures and the beautiful plants that scene is truly a memorable one.
  There was cliff jumping as well which I skipped but enjoyed all the bits of this trip and its been more than a decade now but sharing all this does takes me to my world of fantasy. 

This surely is one of the best trip of my life as the beauty of the sea which I experienced is not describable using words.
Ending this blog on a positive note and sharing few of the important lessons which I Adhered during this trip are:
  • Never stop dreaming and work harder to make your dreams into reality.
  • Create your own fantasy no matter how harsh this world may be.
  • Enjoy every bit be it studies, work , family , household chores and any other I know it can be difficult for some but we can always try.
  • Live and live to the fullest and travel as much as you can, as nature does help in healing.

Signing off from the time being ,


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