Wednesday, October 21, 2020


I don't want to grow old and want my childhood back
I still want to play with dolls and compile them in a stack

I still want  to learn cycling from dad
I still want to sleep in my mommy's lap
I still want to cry in fear of getting late 
I still want my extremist tension to be of losing chocolates

I still want to go out with family on every weekend
I still want to have fun which will never end 

I still want to tease my siblings over daddy's appreciations
I still want to copy Marium's actions 
I still want to ride Usman's scotty 
I still want to push Komal's pram 

But Hey all this is what I want NOT what I can have now as time is and  will never be same and it never stays same  no matter how hard you try .

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