Sunday, March 21, 2021


 DREAM is the result of your desire but WISH is a part of your desire it is a deep taught a quite mature one but since it is my world so my rules .For this post let me take you to my academic journey oh yes I am a qualified engineer ,Yes my first and foremost dream of making my parents proud came true back in 2014 when i Graduated from my homeland as a Mechatronics Engineer.

"Living an engineers life has its own beauty

Maintaining everything properly is now my additional duty

Exploring new things is what i love

may be that's why for me Mecha is all above

From wooden work to construction I had learned a lot

May be that's the way to me it should be bought

From sweet loving incredible and sinusoidal turns 

In this short journey i had lot to learn

Every thing in this world happens for a reason

And That's why you will see a mechatronics engineer by the end of this season"

By Preety Pinky 

Written long time ago in the last semester of my BE ME Journey.

After my dream became reality i started working towards my truest wish which is to get closely in the field of aviation .Since my childhood it gave my extreme satisfaction when ever i used to look at the sky because of it vast horizon so I did my Post Graduation from a Foreign Country in Aerospace Engineering , Since Mecha and Aero both are based on Mechanical Engineering so it was a bit of a smooth  yet different transition for me but The truest reality of my life is that Mechatronics gave me confidence to fly high and high and Aerospace gave me the experience so I dreamed big and my wish came true. And always remember 

People leaves but memories stays so always try to catch the best of the experience of life even at times be it alone , cause Almighty has sent you alone and he will call you back alone as well. No piece of paper i.e degree defines your wisdom as degrees are made by the people and for the people to categorized and define the status of an individual and I can personally say that because i have two of highest level of degrees which i am not using at all for me the most useful asset are the values taught to me firstly by parents and then finishing school polished them as well and yes the life learned experiences which further added to it and enabled me work on the self improvement . YES IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE ONE SHOULD COMPETE WITH ONE SELF ONLY.

Thank you for stopping by,

Signing Off


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