Sunday, March 14, 2021

DEATH An Important Reality of LIFE

One of the important aspect of our live is the concept of death strangely most of us has forgotten about the fact that this world is temporary our real life starts after we die. A poem The Moment I Die written by me long time ago when i was child of about 10 or 11 years any ways leaving  aside the  exact age the point and the important highlight is that based on my MRI scan the doctor declared that i have Brian tumor and trust me I was a child but my parents were the adults the mature adults who at that time  i remember  got hell scared due to the fact that i will die soon and they will lose me forever and after seeing the tension  and the worries which they had gone through  yes i was in pain but their tension added more to my pain and i personally got scared as well BUT Thank fully after taking the opinion of my family doctor a person who knew me since the day i was born declare that TUMOR that is visible in the MRI scan is nothing but a blockage caused by SINUS which is again a very very common medical related issue  which we suffer  ALLHUMDULILAH . So the point of sharing all this and reflecting back to one of the chapter of my past is that yes we have forgotten the DEATH one of the truest reality of LIFE i.e the moments that we are spending in this world or you can define it any way you want. But remember we are created by the CREATOR And we will return to him as well and it is also mentioned by me in Gratitude in your Attitude post.

Now coming to the main point that recently i SUMBUL ARIF has lost of the important gem of my life from my life as my DEAREST and The MOST Beloved PHUPO ( My Fathers sister) MUNEER AZAM daughter of ISMAIL and the wife of AZAM  has returned back  to the creator. My Phupo g was the kind of a person who always had a smile on her face when ever we used to visit her , she was full of love and care and her home was like the most relaxing and joyful place for us all when ever we used to visit our homeland as we live in a different city and my paternal family lives in different. Phupo Muneer was a gem and always be i have no words to express my feelings for her but all i can say she was the best version of all the relationship that she was Blessed, Be it as a Daughter , Sister , Wife, Aunt , Friend ,  Mother , Sister in Law, Mother in Law and Grand Mother as well , Yes ups and downs are a part of life and our society at times makes it the most difficult to survive but i can proudly say my phupo Muneer  was the strongest warrior that i have seen she was fighter she will always be . MAY ALMIGHTY GRANT HER THE HIGHEST RANK IN JANNAT , Ameen Sum Ameen. 
Yes i cant have my phupo g back and the void will always be in my heart but instead of grieving on my loss  why not i start thanking my creator for blessing me with such an amazing angel by the name of PHUPO MUNEER with whom i had some of the best moments in my life to cherish for ever and ever and also start praying for the ease of the departed soul as the power or prayer can change anything as for me i.e as a MUSLIM we have been taught that PRAYERs can change the DESTINY. So always pray for the betterment and work on self improvement in order to succeed in what aspect you want success in. 
And for all those who are more concerned about the delay in my wedding rather than focusing on the fact that i had lost my Phupo Muneer from my life , Kindly note that no matter how hard you try or for how long you try you will get married to your soul mate at the time what ALMIGHTY has already written in your DESTINY. and Our Family has Mutually Selected US as partners so we  will one day be surely and INSHAHALLAH be getting married. 
So please I SUMBUL ARIF humbly and kindly  request all of my readers and followers that use your words wisely you never know what impact they can make in some ones life as well yours too.
Stay Happy , Stay Blessed , Stay Humble and Healthy and above all try to stay KIND as well as your  KINDNESS wont make you weak but surely it can make others strong. 
Referring back to one of the important post written by me  Be The Change You Want To See. Yes Be the change which you want to see or else you will always admire this temporary world as an Enchanted Glory , which honestly shouldn't be the case as yes no one can return back to this world so instead of complaining why not start counting and having the attitude of Gratitude towards your Creator cause what i have learned and experienced from my life which is currently of 28 years is that YOU ARE ALWAYS BLESSED WITH WHAT YOU NEED RATHER THAN WHAT YOU WISHED FOR AND YOUR CREATOR ALWAYS BLESSES YOU WITH WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU. As mentioned many times by me that ALL THE GLITTTER IS NOT GOLD AND YOU HAVE YOU OWN SHIMMER AND YOUR GLOW IS TRULY VISIBLE TO THE ONE WHO IS TRULY YOURS.

Signing Off
Sumbul Arif / Preety Pinky.

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