Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Journey of Motherhood

Greetings all ,

Today i shall be highlighting some of the memorable moments from my joyous journey as mentioned in one of my other blog  The joyous journey, from the moment i got to know about becoming a mom till now this journey of motherhood is the most precious journey so far in my life.

From my first positive test strip to my first ultrasound in which i was able to see my baby and then when i saw my son in the operation theater for the first time those moments hold a really special place in my heart.

I might be unable to express my self as a mother but for my self i would like to keep this journal as one day my son might read it.

The journey of mother hood is the utmost beautiful one as they say heaven lies in mother's feet is so true as the sacrifices that a mother makes for her child  are truly commendable.

From sleepless nights to dirty diapers in my Asian culture it is responsibilty of mother only. P.s i am keeping  parenting for some other post any ways coming back to my journey the bond that i share with my son is amazingly beautiful.

The responsibilty of raising him to be a gentle man start from infancy as from his crying to his laughter he expresses a lot through his emotions. Some of his jesture that i am sharing are  when he is hungry or his diaper is dirty he shouts in his cry until his needs are fulfilled. Then when he his feeling pain or uncomfortable  he makes humming sounds and now he has also stated talking and laughing which he does rarely but surely his smile is the best in my world.

 He is one of the best listener that i have in my life and always makes me feel special.My baby is making me more stronger day by day yes i do get frustated at times but when i see his face my frustation vanishes away.

We mothers are stronger then any storm and as they say raising an individual is like raising a nation and we are responsible for that . 

To all the ladies out there stay strong and stay firm we can do this and will always do .

Signing off for the time being,

A new mom/ mom of Zaviyar


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