Thursday, September 26, 2024

We all are Worthy in our own Way

 Greetings All,

It's been long since I posted but here I am back again sharing. 

As they say life is to be lived and each moment is to be cherished be it alone or be it with your loved ones .And we all try to live our lives to the fullest at most but some times we forget who we actually are in the race of living the life up to the standard of society and to be very honest one way or the other our society do lack behind to some extent for the matter of living.

What I have learned and still am learning after becoming a mother especially , is that we ignore our self a lot after becoming responsible and yes responsibilities do adds a lot in our life's  but one should never forget their own identity and it's never to late to realize your self worth. 

If we are actually happy with our selves only than we can make our relationships happy as well . Learn to love your self and have some me time that is solely yours for the purpose of your well being.

I know it gets really hard at times but one should always practice self love. And trust me we all are worthy in our own way. And always remember only a Queen wears the highly expensive tiara.And just like that we all  we all holds an expensive tiara and should always try to never lose it and keep it save. And  God forbits if we ever loses that it's never to late to start again.

To all my fellows be it a girl or a guy , remember and always remember we all worthy in our own way , so live and let live , shine like a star in a lovely avatar. 

Signing off for the time being.

Much love,


Sunday, July 14, 2024

My truest Essence of life

 Greetings all,

It's been a while since I posted so here I am again sharing my heart out.

Firstly being a mommy is so overwhelming that I couldn't be more thankful enough about what GOD have gifted me. My world My tiny little angel and my one and only Zaviyar.

When ever I feel like giving up in my life this tiny tot becomes my ray of hope. Yes I do breakdown at times but looking at him make me stand again with more power to face the world.And  Yes we all are stronger than we think we are. We just need motivation and inspiration to move on in life.

My baby is teaching me a lot daily, day by day as he learns something new and act on it make me wonder how blessed we are to have him. And trust me I still cherish the moment when I first saw him in the operation theatre I was half sedated but that first look oh my my i can't describe in words.

Religiously I as a Muslim have Quran and Sunnah with me to learn but soulfully I have my son . 

I am un able to describe what joy does he brings to my life. And before his birth And after getting married I believed I have found my soulmate but now after becoming a mom I have adhered where my soul belongs to.

And for my Zaviyar hopefully with in few years you will be reading all this so my son you are the truest essence of my life and you will always be.

Stay strong and stick to your values no matter where you are. As they say you are stronger than you think and wiser than you are.

And My baby mama will always be with you be it near or be it far.

Signing off for the time being 


Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Once there was a cat 

Siting on a mat

Eating a rat

Wearing a hat 


my nephew

 Muhammad Affan 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

From Mountains to SEA

 Greetings All,

Today I would like to take you all to my journey of sea just after reaching the sky through mountains as mentioned in my blog The Scenic Beauty

Well  I went on this trip with my friends from the Kashmir trip and SZABIST University mates and the trip was held to Churna Island in some where in Arabian sea , The details can be found over here Churna Island .

Well this island is only accessible through large boat , The trip started with the breakfast at Karachi then from there we were taken to Mubarak Village through bus. From there we were shifted to smaller boats which led us to larger boats at sea and during mid way we shifted from smaller boat to a larger ship and continued our journey till the island .

After reaching the island we were allowed to explore the sea through snorkeling, OH MY MY I Cant describe what it feels like to look inside the sea , The smaller fishes right next to you , The sea creatures and the beautiful plants that scene is truly a memorable one.
  There was cliff jumping as well which I skipped but enjoyed all the bits of this trip and its been more than a decade now but sharing all this does takes me to my world of fantasy. 

This surely is one of the best trip of my life as the beauty of the sea which I experienced is not describable using words.
Ending this blog on a positive note and sharing few of the important lessons which I Adhered during this trip are:
  • Never stop dreaming and work harder to make your dreams into reality.
  • Create your own fantasy no matter how harsh this world may be.
  • Enjoy every bit be it studies, work , family , household chores and any other I know it can be difficult for some but we can always try.
  • Live and live to the fullest and travel as much as you can, as nature does help in healing.

Signing off from the time being ,


Thursday, May 2, 2024


 Greetings All,

Today I feel like sharing and most probably ranting about some things.

Well first and the most important bit of my sharing is LIVE and LET LIVE as well. Unfortunately in our society people are more concerned about other people life than Thier own , I mean I do understand they care for you but remember not all wishers are your well wisher be careful in sharing your battles with some one . At times Fight solo and win like a champion no matter what game it is . And also remember if you don't win be happy at least you tried. There was a poem I learned when I was in grade 5 and sharing few of the important verse from that which say :



Never stop trying why care for others when you can care for your self .

The second thing which I personally don't like is sympathy we don't need sympathy we always need encouragement which we  we should give as well as take. Never sympathise just emphasize and motivate you never know what colour you can bring in some ones black and white life.

Yesterday I stepped in the pool after almost 3.5 years and trust me as soon as I jumped in and let my body float I was in the world of wonders , There was me and the water only , I was free and floating like a baby , free of worries,  free of tensions there was a calmness inside me till the time I stayed in the water.
Just like water staying in a pool calmly until and unless it is disturbed by an external force it stays calm . So try and not become a reason for triggering stress in some ones else life . Live and let live.

Thank you for stopping by,
Signing off for the time being,

Sunday, April 28, 2024

My New Venture AAZM

 Greetings all,

Today I would like to share with you all about my upcoming new venture AAZM , a syncronym of the name of four of my life's important children Affan, Anabiyah , Zaviyar and Mahad. Affan Anabiyah and Mahad are my sisters kids and half mine as well where is Zaviyar is my angel. So as you all know I have been to many adventures be it the The Scenic Beauty or My Life in UK or many others which are yet to be disclosed, I always wanted to start up some thing of my own an entity that belongs to me. So me and my sisters decided to start up a fashion based  business of AAZM which will be all about fashion and glory . 

Just like on this forum I share my life and views about life and living.  On AAZM it will be all about my vision about fashion although I will be catering the local vendors as well but It will all be our liking and choice. Be it clothing , Jewellery, Bags , Accessories and many other items all will a statement of us.

Panning to launch soon online and  I will be needing your prayers as what I have heard is that "Prayers can change the destiny".

Please feel free to share this post and let's make AAZM a magical reality of my life.

Thank you for stopping by.

Signing off,


Thursday, April 25, 2024

My Delightful and Unforgettable life in UK

 Greetings All,

Today I would to highlight  my journey towards UK and perspective about life there.

I have stayed in UK for my studies back from 2015 till 2016 and visited the UK twice once in 2019 and in 2022 as a visitor. First and foremost comes  the purpose of visit which can be study , tourism , family and medical related or any other . After the purpose of the visit is confirmed then comes the VISA for which  VFS Global is one of the Visa's And Immigration partner for Pakistan , which means that visa processing is done through them. The process can easily be found on the mentioned website. And after attaining visa comes the ticket which can be bought through any channel some of my trusted one are skyscanner and but there are many and you can also choose the official website of the desired airline.

Now after attaining the visa and tickets, comes the astonishing part of travelling , I would say astonishing and magical because in 2015 I had my first ever international trip and that was to UK for MSc in Aerospace Engineering and I was upgraded to business class free of cost thanks to some angels at Emirates airline who made sure I had the most convenient travel as a first time solo traveler.

I started my University and on the first day which was my 22nd Birthday as well I met with my bestie and mentor along with some other wonderful people who helped me settling in UK.

For what I have experienced is that for educated people life in UK in very simple and relaxing , they start their day in morning and ends their day by evening and had family time for dinner. I do admire that lifestyle from the core of my heart because they may not be that religious but they for sure  are true to their values.

You can have your life style established the way you want like when I lived in UK from 2015-2016 my life was peaceful and relaxing with some challenges which I surpassed my passion and motivation. And when I visited the UK in 2019 as a visitor my stay was that much overwhelming and I came back to my homeland with in a month although I could have stayed more as I got the visa of more duration. 

Then I got opportunity to revisit the UK for MSc in Aviation Management but I couldn't pursued that degree due to my pregnancy and I left my University and came back and started focusing on my domestic life.

Yes I am a Mechatronics Engineer with a post graduate degree of MSc in Aerospace Engineering and that will always be true till I am alive as some one wise said and I quote "Knowledge is never wasted but creates wisdom". 

I may not be utilizing my education but my qualification is still and will always be a part of me. 

I am Thankful to Almighty and the people who made my life magical they know who they are from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for stopping by,

Signing off for the time being,


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

My First Ever Industrial Visit and First Ever Final Year Project

 Greetings All,

As you might have known by now that I am a qualified engineer having my BE in Mechatronics Engineering from Karachi, Pakistan and MSc in Aerospace Engineering from UK . 

Today I am sharing some of the moments from my first ever industrial trip during my Mechatronics Engineering Degree. For this trip we went to Pakistan Steel Mill information  about the mill is available in the link attached.

Sharing some Graphics which I captured during my Visit.

Now coming to my Final year project of BE Mechatronics Engineering which was made almost a decade ago in Pakistan, And Since the steel mill process  the metal manufacturing in the conventional way , We as a group of four members created as Furnace which melts metal using microwave energy . Now in simple words microwaves process the metal melting fast and in a more economical way. And if we compare our project with the conventional method of metal melting , Our system is cost efficient and uses less power resources and reduces the processing time to about 80 %.
Now as we place a piece of metal in the microwave it reflects the waves back to the gun(Magnetron) which is the main source of producing microwaves causing the sparks and damaging the Magnetron.
And to over come this issue we tested different material such as graphite and insulation bricks and many others and created a furnace of the selected material for melting metal.
sharing the pictures of the prototype we created for metal melting

Not only we successfully created the prototype but also our project was presented at a conference held in Venice (Italy) back in 2014.

Remember Believe in yourself and you can adhere success and also team work creates the dream work and lastly its never to late to follow your passion. 
Signing off for the time being,

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Marriage , Parenting and Feminisms

 Greetings all,

Firstly let me introduce my self . My name is Sumbul and I love writing and sharing my perspective and values on this forum as well as on Instagram and Facebook. My educational background  comprises of MSc in Aerospace Engineering and BE in Mechatronics Engineering along with a course of Personality development. Other than that I love travelling and exploring new things and places. And domestically I am a mother of an adorably amazing child and aunt to some wonderful angels who I have introduced on this forum long ago.

Now let me explain few of the concepts which I believe in this society are wrong according to me. At first I am highlighting the concept of parenting as mentioned in my previous post , If a Child comes into this world by both mother and father then the role of upbringing the child is to be completed by both the mother and father mutually , where as what I have seen in my Asian society is that father plays the role of provider and financial support and mother's role is to teach the values and up bring the child .

Secondly I want to share my perspective about feminisms , A male and female are two different individuals and there roles of living in the society are different . Yes I do believe that a women should be financially and morality independent but they should have a support by a man and No I am not saying that the man should be her husband / boyfriend , It can be her father most importantly as no one in this world is comparable with him and lastly her son.

Thirdly I am sharing my perspective about marriage . A marriage is the union of a male and female in our society and that union is done for the better life of both and for creating and supporting there up coming family as well as supporting there parents as well . The first and foremost duty of the man in the marriage is to provide his women an independent home they both can mutually create their world and live the life of their dreams. I Do admire the features of western world where a man and women mutually build up their life together. Where as in my society the marriage starts with parents arranging a household for their child in the form of dowry and financially managing the events of the marriage which I believe is completely wrong . The union of two souls should be done when the are ready to adhere reality and have the power to face this world.

Now I should sign off from this post and will share more in the upcoming posts, Till then feel free to add more in the comments and have a happy and peaceful life.

yours truly,

Sumbul/Preety Pinky

#marriage, #parenting , #female , #union

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Self love

 Greetings All,

For the sake of sanity vent it all out if you don't have some just DM me I will always be available but don't just don't let the thing which bothers you at first trigger the emotion of stress , just don't let your bad feelings turn into emotions.Be your own boss , don't destroy your inner peace. Learn to love your self.

Self love and care is as important as loving someone else.  Travel as much as you can as connecting with nature helps a lot.

Thank you for stopping by

Take care and stay Blessed 

Signing off,


#love , #self love , #mentalhealth , #awareness.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Some Mesmerizing Moments from my Life

 Greetings all,

Today I feel like sharing some of the unforgettable moments from my life which adds to my mesmerizing memories. Although there are many but sharing few with you all and saving it for my self .

The first and foremost  beautiful memory of life is the birth of my child , the moment when I first saw him in the operation theater was truly a magical one, I can't describe in words what it feels like to see and hold the tiny little angel who became an important essence of my life.

The next magical moment was my 28th birthday  , the last birthday of mine before getting married , the day I spent with my childhood friends and family and I for the first time ever donated my blood to an year old child. 

The next one is when I visited the PAF KAMRA an organization where fighter aircraft are made completely from scratch. O my my it still adds to my excitement when I first saw the F-16 aircraft closely I touched it , I explored it and I enjoyed that day to the fullest. 

Before visiting the KAMRA I got  opportunity to visit the PAF Nur Khan base where all the systematic operations for PAF were happening and to be very honest I have joined the Finishing school course truly for solely for this visit due to my interest in aviation.

The next magical moment was during the convocation of mine for my MSc degree , as I was walking towards the stage when my name was called with my qualification the random people were congratulating me , the wishes and the greetings still adds smile to my face.

When I was on UK I along with my friend (Meow) went to watch her brothers movie JALEEBI , we went to Wembley visited that town ate some yummy food and enjoyed a lot that day. My whole UK life was fantastic and the most joyous phase of my life which  I will always adore.

Sharing one of my previous blog The Scenic Beauty as this trip is also an amazing  memory of my life.

The birth of my child and my time in UK for my post graduate studies hold a special place in my heart and will be the truly mesmerizing moments of my life,

Thank you for stopping by, will add more in some other post as I am saving and dedicating this blog to my child.

Signing off 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Feeling a Bit

"Feeling a bit low I might get slow
But that doesn't mean I stopped I will always move forward and one day again I will for surely glow

Feeling a bit mad I might get sad
But that doesn't mean I am alone I know you are with me and for that I am always glad

Feeling a bit excited I might get enchanted
But that doesn't mean I stopped caring with you I will always be sparklingly ignited

Feeling a bit high I might touch the sky
But that doesn't mean I am alone you will always be with me where ever I fly"

Although I am always with you but we have to be our own mentor and one should always learn, Be it from others or from our own mistakes and we should go ahead and move forward as far as we can cause learn and always learn no matter how long this learning process takes.
Life is the journey in which at every step we learn and at most of the times we earn as well be it joyous memories or horrible lessons what goes on will always come back as a devoted passion.

Be the captain of our own ship and only we can never let it sink, no matter what happens and if there comes some water inside we can always let it glide and it will go back down in the river same as all our worries and tensions. They all are meant to be momentarily but with right choices we can always make our life bright.

Thank you for stopping by.
Signing off

Thursday, March 14, 2024

For my baby Zaviyar

It feels like yesterday when you were born

It feels like yesterday my world was adorn

It feels like I have touched the sky

Its because of you that underneath my feet heaven lies

My dear you are our life's most precious gift

My dear you have vanished all our life's rift

My dear you are my life's  utmost charm

My dear you have made our life peaceful and calm

Your lovely and naughty acts makes us forget our tensions and worries

Your smiles and laughter takes us to the loveliest glory

Your innocence and cuteness makes our loveliest story

Your melodious voice gives us the best and best memory

May your life be filled with happiness and health. We love you and will always do.


Your Mommy Sumbul.


Friday, March 1, 2024

The Scenic Beauty

 Greetings All,

Today I am sharing an amazing and my first ever mesmerizing trip to Kashmir back in 2012.

Yes it was almost a decade ago but the memories are still fresh in my mind.

I took my trip with the adventure society of my institute back then and  was a solo adventurer among the others in that trip, but met some kind hearted people and made some amazing friends during that trip.

Other than meeting and making new friends and experiencing the beauty of nature during that trip , Almighty helped me in fulfilling one of my top most wish and that was to experience "SNOW". The trip was of about 7-9 days as far as I remember and started from Karachi on a bus till Islamabad and it took us 30 hours to reach Islamabad due to weather condition and after reaching Islamabad we continued our travel  till Muzaffarabad and stayed there for the night.

Sharing my first ever glimpse of snow on the way .


 The next day we went to Pir Chinasi for the day and that was the time when I had actually played in the snow and experienced that snowy mountain peak. Here is the glimpse of first time when I stepped on snow and it still boost up my happiness when ever I recall that day.

After that day trip we came back to Muzaffarabad and went to river Neelam the next day. And then the next day we continued our journey to line of control (the restricted mountainous area where one side of the river is Pakistan and other side is India). 
We stayed at Keran and I experienced  first ever snow fall of my life. 
In Keran we stayed for about 2 - 3 days as we can not go further due to land sliding. We went on hiking , played in snow , had some yummy food, talked with Indians on the other side of the river , met with some hospitable locals and had the best time of our life.

And then we came back to Muzaffarabad and stayed there for the night and continued our journey back to Islamabad the next day. 
From there I took the flight back home and the trip ended on a happy note.
On this trip I had experienced and learned a lot of the lessons which I will be sharing now and they are:
  • It's always good to take the next step and move on as life goes on.
  • Be good to others and you will be blessed with the best.
  • An Adventure may turn into a new venture so try to make your dreams into reality always.
and Lastly,
"Age is just a number you should always follow your heart ".

Thank you for stopping by.
Signing off,


Friday, February 9, 2024

Hit It Hard

 Hit it hard

Bang it slow

Let all your sorrows go

Hit it hard

Bang it slow

Let your shimmer glow

Hit it hard

Bang it slow

Let the world know

Hit it hard

Bang it slow

Let your powers grow

Hit it hard

Bang it slow 

Let your inner charm show

Hit it with all the power and never look back say bye bye to all your worries by trusting your Almighty and your self.

Be your own boss and do what ever you can  for the betterment of your self and the world.

Signing off for the time being,


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Heart to Heart

 Greetings all,

Today I am sharing  my thoughts and feelings about my life as a parent.

Well to start with let's just rewind to who i was few years back and who I have become now. Since my friends from all phases of life knows I was and still am a individual who follows the rule yes I do give tough time to me as well as others if I think things are not by the book.

"It's hard to start but I will always  try

It's hard to comprehend but I will always try

It's hard to do but I will always try

It's hard to act accordingly but I will always try

It's really hard but I won't give up and will always try. "

They say heaven lies underneath mother's feet, But I say parenthood is the journey for both mother and father. So duties of raising a child should be mutually shared by them. 

To be very honest I have seen that in our asian society father work as a provider while mother's duty is for the complete upbringing of the child which is completely wrong.

No I am not trying  to follow the western culture and style of living but I do admire that to some extent based on my life experiences during my MSc journey.

As an individual who tries to follow Islam I am sharing  the link of the article which helped me to understand the duties of  parent as a follower of Islam.

To be very honest motherhood is so far the toughest yet the most pleasant journey of my life and I am and will always try to do my best for my little angel. And will make him the bestest  individual for this life and the life after the day of judgement Inshahallah and Ameen.

Signing off for the time being.


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Feels like

 It feels like a lot has been gone

It feels like my baby has grown

It feels like yesterday when he was born

It feels like I have changed a lot

It feels like theres been a lot that is bought

It feels like my life is now filled in a happiest pot 

It feels like time passed so quickly

It feels like I have attained victory

It feels like rest is buried as an history

It feels like my world belongs to you 

It feels like mommy will always stand by you

It feels like and it is the most amazing truth that my son you are my biggest star and baby mommy will always love you alot no matter where ever we are.


Mommy of Zaviyar.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

At Times

 At times you cry

At times you laugh

But it is ok if sometimes you cough

At times you read

At times you write

But it is ok if sometimes you feel tired

At times you slay

At times you play

But it is ok if sometimes you fought

At times you admire

At times you adore

But it is ok if sometimes you ignore

To all new mommies or mommy to be this journey is all about learning and making silly mistakes and it is always ok to do so but remember only you can select whats best for your child as the nine months journey of bringing this human into this world is the most painful yet beautiful journey one can pass through.

And lastly 

Don't forget  you are always stronger than the whole world because you created a world for your little angel.

Thank you for stopping by.

Signing off,


Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Journey of Motherhood

Greetings all ,

Today i shall be highlighting some of the memorable moments from my joyous journey as mentioned in one of my other blog  The joyous journey, from the moment i got to know about becoming a mom till now this journey of motherhood is the most precious journey so far in my life.

From my first positive test strip to my first ultrasound in which i was able to see my baby and then when i saw my son in the operation theater for the first time those moments hold a really special place in my heart.

I might be unable to express my self as a mother but for my self i would like to keep this journal as one day my son might read it.

The journey of mother hood is the utmost beautiful one as they say heaven lies in mother's feet is so true as the sacrifices that a mother makes for her child  are truly commendable.

From sleepless nights to dirty diapers in my Asian culture it is responsibilty of mother only. P.s i am keeping  parenting for some other post any ways coming back to my journey the bond that i share with my son is amazingly beautiful.

The responsibilty of raising him to be a gentle man start from infancy as from his crying to his laughter he expresses a lot through his emotions. Some of his jesture that i am sharing are  when he is hungry or his diaper is dirty he shouts in his cry until his needs are fulfilled. Then when he his feeling pain or uncomfortable  he makes humming sounds and now he has also stated talking and laughing which he does rarely but surely his smile is the best in my world.

 He is one of the best listener that i have in my life and always makes me feel special.My baby is making me more stronger day by day yes i do get frustated at times but when i see his face my frustation vanishes away.

We mothers are stronger then any storm and as they say raising an individual is like raising a nation and we are responsible for that . 

To all the ladies out there stay strong and stay firm we can do this and will always do .

Signing off for the time being,

A new mom/ mom of Zaviyar


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

My cat

 My cat cat.

Why you are siting on a mat.

I am not a  cat I am a mat.

So why you like to eat rat.



Muhammad Affan

Bright Star

 Star star sttar

You are looking so small 

I look so small but I am so big

You bright so much that you give me light

By my nephew Muhammad Affan 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

For My dearest son Zaviyar

 From the first positive strip to your arrival my dearest baby the journey was full of different emotions but the most memorable journey of my life. My Zaviyar you know when i first saw you in the operation theather i felt the most luckiest women in the world. You are the most precious gift by my Almighty. My Zaviyar mommy cant express what it feel like to have you in her life but now my dear its confirm that my life will always revolve around you. You are the apple of my eye and the biggest chunk of my heart. My dearest Zaviyar mommy loves you alot alot alot.

My dearest Zaviyar you are my life

My dearest Zaviyar without you now mommy wont be able to survive 

My dearest Zaviyar may Almighty bless you with endless Blessings

My dearest Zaviyar may he always keep you under his shadow

My dearest Zaviyar may you always shine with a loveliest glow

My dearest Zaviyar may you conquer your desires and wishes in a lovely avatar

My dearest Zaviyar may you always achieve your goals like a super star

My dearest Zaviyar you are my tiny little angel who will always be a special piece of my heart no matter where ever we are.

My dearest Zaviyar stay Blessed , Happy , Healthy and always be mine cause you are the most precious gift that Almighty has Blessed mommy with.


Mommy of Zaviyar / Sumbul.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

My Dearest Mahad

 An angelic personality and the moral so high

Thats my friends is Muhammad Mahad Bilal 

A charming attire and spirit so high

Thats my friends is his charm to make him fly

Full on fighter and defender is his avatar

As one day  he will become world wide famous star

From becoming a part of loveliest family 

He has for sure Blessed us with atmost serenity

My dearest madu although i have already been aunt twice but becoming yours had made you my tiny little angel in disguise.

Cant wait to hold you in my arms.

Kiss you, hug you and feel your melodious charm.

Stay Blessed and happy my dearest 

And Thank you for becoming the man in my life who is the most strongest.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 Hey all ,

Today I feel like sharing my perspective about LIFE, First and foremost it is the most precious gift that your creator has given to you and we all shall always be thankful for that. For many pupils life is a long long journey with happy , sad , joyful , hurtful and several other aspects which ever you feel like naming it . 

Now as for this blog post I i.e. the individual by the name , (Name: the first ever gift given to an individual for his/ her identity) of SUMBUL will again be sharing some bits about my academic journey including some of the angels who were a part it as well.

Due to personal reason I wont be naming them but when ever they will be reading it they will knew who I am referring to as my angels, so far I  have studied in like 7-8  institutes in my life.

The journey begins from my first ever institute located in Karachi Pakistan in which I have studied from Nursery till grade 3 and we were a group of 3 girlies together as a friends and then for my 4th grade I was transferred to another institute where I have also few friends but then for my grade 5th - 8th I was admitted to another one where we were a group of 4 girlies out of which I am still in contact with 2 of them, and then lastly for my matriculation I was admitted to another institute closer to my locality in Karachi Pakistan .

Then comes the part of my high school which was a short term 2 years based journey but we were a group of 6 girlies who are still connected to me through social media.

And then comes my professional qualification part of my educational life i.e. I started my BE Mechatronics Engineering degree from SZABIST Karachi Pakistan, where I met several individuals but some angels became an important part of my life and are still connected with me although my BEME journey ended in 2014. 

After completing by BEME journey I decided to pursue my studies further in the field of Aviation by doing MSc in Aerospace Engineering from UOH an institute based in UK and completed my degree back in 2016 and during this journey I met some of most amazing personalities of my life who are still in contact with me as well.

And then  I did a Finishing school course of about 6 months from an Pak Air force affiliated institute in Pakistan where again I have some angels as well.

Now today as I had recapped my academic journey I am truly Blessed by my ALMIGHTY for letting me learn and experiences during different phases of my life. Concluding my post by following lessons.

  • Knowledge is never wasted but creates wisdom.
  • You are the captain of your own ship so sail wisely.
  • AND lastly always keep on moving one way or the other you shall always reach your enchanted DESTINY.
 Signing off for the time being,


Saturday, August 20, 2022


Greetings all , 


Assalam U aliakum for my Muslim followers , 

Today  i will be by using poem again written by me during my childhood for explaining my perspective of the world around me, The poem was written i guess in between FLOWER and the MOMENT I DIE  

During my childhood days when i had no clue what the world actually is because my world use to revolve around my family , friends and my educational institute at that time.


Why people in this world are mean?
Why happiness of others cannot be seen?
Why do they act nicely in front of others?
Why do they actually hates each other?
Why there is no one to help?
When someone actually need help
Why people in this world are mean?
Why happiness of others cannot be seen?
Why people are not happy about what they have?
Why they want everything that other have?
Why people in this world are greedy?
Why they are crazy about making money?
Why people in this world are mean?
Why happiness of others cannot be seen?
Why they are not afraid of death?
Why they are living fear free breath?
Can anyone tell me why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clouds of happiness are not seen on the sky!!!

By Preety Pinky

There were lots and lots of question in my mind which i couldn't share with any one at that time so Mean world was a product of that phase of my life. Now as an individual of 29 years oh yeah they say never ask a lady her age cause she wont be accurately tell that ,but guess what i believe there is no harm to any one if you say truth and stand strong on your values. Now at this stage of mine where i hopefully be joining my academic life again soon in the field of aviation after a GAP of 6 years which i am really excited about, currently my perspective about the world has changed a lot .

Geographically this world i.e. planet Earth in which we all are living currently is comprised of three part of water and one part of land but for an individual the world is a specific physical area used for living . where as society is developed on the basis of our social , economical and medical circumstances. I may be missing some features but you are free to add to it further in comments. yesterday an incident happened with me while i was shopping in my homeland when a shop keeper uncle complimented me that "Beta ap bht puranay zamanay ki lagti ho aj kal ki larkian bht chalak hoti hay " meaning that according to him i belong to quiet old time where as the girls now a days are quiet clever . well internally i want to laugh out loud on that compliment but due to social circumstances i kept my emotion inside and left his shop after my shopping was done on a happy note , because he was an anonymous individual for me but that compliment boosted my confidence and made me happy about my self because i am now a married women of 29 years and still he compared me with girls , well i guess i would have replied to that uncle about my age and transition from a girl to a lady but still thanks to Almighty my dearest GOD i am still appearing to be a girl in front of society.

Now i can say that the questions should have been targeted to society rather than the world and As i use to admire Miley Cirus of US based sitcom Hannah Montana during that phase of my life. "Best of both worlds" by her use to be my favorite song and plays as important role in that phase of my life.

Where as now i have experienced two different societies during my academic life one is my homeland PAKISTAN whom i love the most , my nationality the place where i was born and the other is UK whom i admire the most based on living experiences as an individual.

Now concluding my post on the following notes:

  • Society and world are two separate entities based on a similar features and characteristics.
  • You can be the pioneer of your own society but not the world.
  • Societies are comprised for living things where as world is meant for both living and non living things.
Lastly BE TRUE AND BE YOU , no matter what this world thinks about you.

signing off for the time being,

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Joyous Journey ❤🧿

Greetings all so here i am  sharing my most precious and the most beautiful yet my mostly desired and amazing journey with you all.

"The journey has started for how long i have no clue.

But dear it was 8th of July 2022 that i got to know about my life's foremost wish is coming  true.

I have no idea yet when i will be able to hold you in my arms.

Kiss you and hug you and try to groom you as a human who is the best one for us as well as for all.

I have no clue yet who you will be but my loveliest dear you are and will always be the precious part of me.

The journey i am now experiencing is beyond my understanding but for sure this is  the most amazing ride for me in this life and in heaven.

My loveliest dear you are and will always be our first one no matter yet how many siblings you will  have who will bloom like the preetiest flowers in our loveliest tiny little garden.

My dearest darling mommy and papa g will always love you and try to upbring you as a shinning star.

Who will not only be the spark of our eyes but will also prove to be a blessing for this world in a loveliest avatar.

Lots of love and prayers for your safe arrival into our life and ofcourse in this  world.

Your mommy and papa g are waiting patiently yet excitingly for your arrival as a Blessing and the most precious gift."

And we welcomed a baby boy on 7/3/2023 Alhumdulilah.

 Thank you for stopping by. And please remember us in your prayers and lastly Be happy Stay happy and have a healthy and peaceful life ahead Inshahallah and Ameen.❤🧿

Signing off,
Sumbul/Preety Pinky 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Story of Colors

 Written when i was in school i.e almost more than a decade ago but today after holding colors after a long long time i feel like to share  it as well .

Blacks says I am devil

Red says I am hot

Blue says I am cool

Yellow says I am glittery

Orange says I am red & yellow mystery

Purple says I am calm

Green says I am smart

Pink says I am lovely

Brown says I am clumzy


White says you all are part of me .

Signing off for the time being

Yes Its Pretty Pinky or Sumbul Umar/ Arif .❤🧿

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Into my life

 Into the night i dream 

Into the wild i scream

Into the woods i enjoy

By looking up in the sky

Into the valleys i glow

With the passage of rivers as they flow

Into the kitchen i cook

No matter how funny i look

Into the room i sleep

With the fairy lights on that i keep

Into the fields i walk 

With my only  one that i love the most 

At times in the car we drove

Miles and miles while catching up with  the globe

Into this life i had lot

With fights love care and joy it is bought.

Monday, May 30, 2022

I Feel Like

 I feel like flying high

I feel like diving low

I feel like having fun

So that i can glow 

I feel like roaming around

In the field with the melodius sound

I feel like eating junk

I feel like opening treasures

Digging the mud and hiding them in the trunk

I feel like hugging my niece and nephew

Cause they are the ones who are my loveliest dew

I feel like gazing at the sky and sea

No matter where the horizon takes me 

I feel like i am back 

And i am glad that it happend after a longest slack

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

For Once in a While.

 For once in a while i dwell like a child 

For once in a while i get angry and rebel

 For once in a while i get ready in a pretty attire

 For once in a while i connect with some one i admire

 For once in a while i stay calm like a sunny sky

 For once in a while i roam around like high a heavy storm

For once in a while i get wierd 

 For once in a while and all the time i am me and only me .

Ups and downs are part of life but what matters is to have some one who sticks around with you all the time and make your life as magical as you want it to be . 

But remember not once in a while but all the time you are the one and you will always be to make your life full of fantasy. 

As you , your self and only yourself can make the world around you as beautiful as possible . Never rely on others to make thing happen be your own king or queen as you are meant to be one . 

Not ONCE IN A WHILE but all the time be true and be you.

You will one day connect with your soul mate either physically , mentally or emotionally one day and that soul mate doesnot have to be your life partner as the partnership of this life stays in this world only and only till the time you agree to one another. And the connection with your soul stays till eternity . Your soulmate is not decided by you he or she was created with your soul by your GOD.

So Not ONCE IN A WHILE but all the TIME, TRY to make the STRONGEST connection with your GOD , for the peace in this life and the life after death.

Signing off for the time being.

PREETY PINKY/ Sumbul Arif/Umar. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Bring and Let it

Bring it out 

Rock and roll

Be it silver

Be it gold

Let it be 

Let it not 

Be it happiness

Be it sorrowful mess

Bring it on

Bring it not

Be what it is

Be what it not 

Let it be

Let it not 

 one has to fight 

Because its right

In life we conquer lots of battles some we lose some we win but in the end what matters is that one should never give up as it is life and it goes on. 

Signing Off for the time being 


Thursday, April 29, 2021

A Miraculous Destiny

Assalam u Alaikum and welcome to the first ever blog post by Mrs Umar yes Allhumdulilah by the grace of Almighty I i.e Sumbul Arif got married to Umar Younas on 3.4.2021  a day to cherish for ever and ever this day holds an amazing miracle and an amazing fantasy of my life i.e according to islamic calender i was born on 12 of Shaban (holy month before Ramadan) back in 1993 and the day i.e 3.4.2021 islamically was 21 of Shaban. And yes i had my nikkah on the evening of 2.4.2021 but we started our journey together on 3.4.2021. Religiously nikkah is the start of married life.

But in our society the Rukhsati (Departure of a bride from her parents home to her husband's). Is some time done later. So in our case that happened.

Since my childhood i am a truest believer of fantasy as for me it takes me to the world free from worries and tensions and STRESS and yes as they say YOU ARE A PICTURE OF YOUR BELEIVES so one should always stay positive as another miracle towards mine Miraculous Destiny was the day 28.1.2021 when I personally decided that i will be staying in my home land and yes by the evening of that particular day ,with the Blessings of My Almighty our parents decided that we i.e Umar and Sumbul will become US forever and ever INSHAHALLAH and Ameen and since that day I always ended my day on a positive note Allhumdulilah. 

From connecting to my Soulmate i.e Umar Younas to meeting and living with him my Trust and my Values has been Tremendiculously increasing towards my GOD i.e My ALLAH yes up and downs are a part of life but again one should never lose HOPE and Maintain their Trust Towards their GOD.

THANK YOU for stopping by, Singing off for the time being.


Mrs Sumbul Umar.

Sunday, March 28, 2021


  Individuality an important asset & aspect for & By US 

Greetings all , first and foremost thank you for stopping by  in this post I SUMBUL will be sharing my thoughts about INDIVIDUALITY as all the creations in this world are foremost Individual and you all are free to comprehend the meaning and definition of this word on the basis of your thinking and understanding of course 😊.
To explain my point of view i will take the help of the lessons  learned from my 6 month short  journey towards Finesse.
  • The  Recitation of  QURAN (Holy Book) is to be heard  and The Translation is to be read.
  • If you recite Kalmaa - e Tayabba (Kal Maa E Tayabba) 70,000 times in your life  then till the day of Judgment an angel will recite it for you.
  • Never compromise on values it should be the one thing that is your brand promote it rightly and you will succeed.
  • Change is inevitable/unavoidable but how we handle the change is up to us.
  • Success is never individual , it comes up as a result of team work.
  • Give respect to time and it will respect you.
  • Never compromise on hard work and integrity and you will reach your goals.
  • There is no alternative to hard work.
  • Always add to your strengths and reduce your weaknesses , Its only up to you how you take a challenge.
and lastly.
  • TO REMAIN SILENT IS THE BIGGEST OFFENSE. (Yes this is most important reality of my life as i am an individual who used to be categorized as an introvert but now i am me be it in front of family or be it in front of society   with out the fear of facing this particular society as i am only scared of my CREATOR because i will return back to him only)

 Now referring back to few of my post for further sharing my life learned experiences the most important one is BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE written by Preety Pinky back in the days when she started her short term professional journey in her home land .  and second one is YOU ARE MEANT TO BE DIFFERENT written again by Preety Pinky back in 2019 as  2019 was the year for an individual by the name of SUMBUL for her self discovery RAY OF HOPE and she proved her self as well  and yes Preety Pinky was born long time ago when SUMBUL was silent in front of the society.

So Thank you so much for stopping by have a Healthy , Happy , Peaceful and Blessed Life and May ALMIGHTY keeps us all protected from evil and maintain his Blessing all the time AMEEN , SUM A AMEEN.

Signing Off for the time being ,

SUMBUL / Preety Pinky.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


 DREAM is the result of your desire but WISH is a part of your desire it is a deep taught a quite mature one but since it is my world so my rules .For this post let me take you to my academic journey oh yes I am a qualified engineer ,Yes my first and foremost dream of making my parents proud came true back in 2014 when i Graduated from my homeland as a Mechatronics Engineer.

"Living an engineers life has its own beauty

Maintaining everything properly is now my additional duty

Exploring new things is what i love

may be that's why for me Mecha is all above

From wooden work to construction I had learned a lot

May be that's the way to me it should be bought

From sweet loving incredible and sinusoidal turns 

In this short journey i had lot to learn

Every thing in this world happens for a reason

And That's why you will see a mechatronics engineer by the end of this season"

By Preety Pinky 

Written long time ago in the last semester of my BE ME Journey.

After my dream became reality i started working towards my truest wish which is to get closely in the field of aviation .Since my childhood it gave my extreme satisfaction when ever i used to look at the sky because of it vast horizon so I did my Post Graduation from a Foreign Country in Aerospace Engineering , Since Mecha and Aero both are based on Mechanical Engineering so it was a bit of a smooth  yet different transition for me but The truest reality of my life is that Mechatronics gave me confidence to fly high and high and Aerospace gave me the experience so I dreamed big and my wish came true. And always remember 

People leaves but memories stays so always try to catch the best of the experience of life even at times be it alone , cause Almighty has sent you alone and he will call you back alone as well. No piece of paper i.e degree defines your wisdom as degrees are made by the people and for the people to categorized and define the status of an individual and I can personally say that because i have two of highest level of degrees which i am not using at all for me the most useful asset are the values taught to me firstly by parents and then finishing school polished them as well and yes the life learned experiences which further added to it and enabled me work on the self improvement . YES IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE ONE SHOULD COMPETE WITH ONE SELF ONLY.

Thank you for stopping by,

Signing Off


Sunday, March 14, 2021

DEATH An Important Reality of LIFE

One of the important aspect of our live is the concept of death strangely most of us has forgotten about the fact that this world is temporary our real life starts after we die. A poem The Moment I Die written by me long time ago when i was child of about 10 or 11 years any ways leaving  aside the  exact age the point and the important highlight is that based on my MRI scan the doctor declared that i have Brian tumor and trust me I was a child but my parents were the adults the mature adults who at that time  i remember  got hell scared due to the fact that i will die soon and they will lose me forever and after seeing the tension  and the worries which they had gone through  yes i was in pain but their tension added more to my pain and i personally got scared as well BUT Thank fully after taking the opinion of my family doctor a person who knew me since the day i was born declare that TUMOR that is visible in the MRI scan is nothing but a blockage caused by SINUS which is again a very very common medical related issue  which we suffer  ALLHUMDULILAH . So the point of sharing all this and reflecting back to one of the chapter of my past is that yes we have forgotten the DEATH one of the truest reality of LIFE i.e the moments that we are spending in this world or you can define it any way you want. But remember we are created by the CREATOR And we will return to him as well and it is also mentioned by me in Gratitude in your Attitude post.

Now coming to the main point that recently i SUMBUL ARIF has lost of the important gem of my life from my life as my DEAREST and The MOST Beloved PHUPO ( My Fathers sister) MUNEER AZAM daughter of ISMAIL and the wife of AZAM  has returned back  to the creator. My Phupo g was the kind of a person who always had a smile on her face when ever we used to visit her , she was full of love and care and her home was like the most relaxing and joyful place for us all when ever we used to visit our homeland as we live in a different city and my paternal family lives in different. Phupo Muneer was a gem and always be i have no words to express my feelings for her but all i can say she was the best version of all the relationship that she was Blessed, Be it as a Daughter , Sister , Wife, Aunt , Friend ,  Mother , Sister in Law, Mother in Law and Grand Mother as well , Yes ups and downs are a part of life and our society at times makes it the most difficult to survive but i can proudly say my phupo Muneer  was the strongest warrior that i have seen she was fighter she will always be . MAY ALMIGHTY GRANT HER THE HIGHEST RANK IN JANNAT , Ameen Sum Ameen. 
Yes i cant have my phupo g back and the void will always be in my heart but instead of grieving on my loss  why not i start thanking my creator for blessing me with such an amazing angel by the name of PHUPO MUNEER with whom i had some of the best moments in my life to cherish for ever and ever and also start praying for the ease of the departed soul as the power or prayer can change anything as for me i.e as a MUSLIM we have been taught that PRAYERs can change the DESTINY. So always pray for the betterment and work on self improvement in order to succeed in what aspect you want success in. 
And for all those who are more concerned about the delay in my wedding rather than focusing on the fact that i had lost my Phupo Muneer from my life , Kindly note that no matter how hard you try or for how long you try you will get married to your soul mate at the time what ALMIGHTY has already written in your DESTINY. and Our Family has Mutually Selected US as partners so we  will one day be surely and INSHAHALLAH be getting married. 
So please I SUMBUL ARIF humbly and kindly  request all of my readers and followers that use your words wisely you never know what impact they can make in some ones life as well yours too.
Stay Happy , Stay Blessed , Stay Humble and Healthy and above all try to stay KIND as well as your  KINDNESS wont make you weak but surely it can make others strong. 
Referring back to one of the important post written by me  Be The Change You Want To See. Yes Be the change which you want to see or else you will always admire this temporary world as an Enchanted Glory , which honestly shouldn't be the case as yes no one can return back to this world so instead of complaining why not start counting and having the attitude of Gratitude towards your Creator cause what i have learned and experienced from my life which is currently of 28 years is that YOU ARE ALWAYS BLESSED WITH WHAT YOU NEED RATHER THAN WHAT YOU WISHED FOR AND YOUR CREATOR ALWAYS BLESSES YOU WITH WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU. As mentioned many times by me that ALL THE GLITTTER IS NOT GOLD AND YOU HAVE YOU OWN SHIMMER AND YOUR GLOW IS TRULY VISIBLE TO THE ONE WHO IS TRULY YOURS.

Signing Off
Sumbul Arif / Preety Pinky.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Once Or Forever

"Once or Forever
Now or Never
Be what you want to be but Be YOU and Always Be TRUE

Forgive not Forget
Accept not Reject
Do what you feel like doing but Do it with HONESTY and HONESTLY

Gain not Retain
Train not Refrain
Treat what you can but Treat it with FRAGILITY and FIRMLY"

Once we start loving our self whole heartedly as the truest fact and the most beautiful reality of our life  is that  we are created by the best of the best CREATOR So now we can have our ONCE and FOREVER truest DREAM becoming the best of the best REALITY . ALLHUMDULILAH(Thank GOD).

Signing Off 
Sumbul Arif.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


They (i.e people around us ) says a lot a lot but only few have ability to hear as well so why care for this world why NOT start CARING for the CREATOR rather than what his CREATIONS thinks and comprehend about our self. Trust your Creator who ever you Believe for ME Its my ALMIGHTY the one and only ALLAH.

Remember we came in this world alone and we will leave alone as well , yes in order to survive we have been Blessed with OUR HOLY BOOK  and SUNNAH for my case i.e. as a MUSLIM  ALLHUMDULILAH ( praise be to ALLAH) and of  course  relation ships as well  be it your Parents , Siblings , Partner, Children, or your Family,  Friends , social circle or you can name it what ever you want, But and FOREMOST your strongest CONNECTION and  RELATIONSHIP should be with your CREATOR only and trust me at times it is the most difficult task to do by  keeping the track of  our surrounding  but not for a true BELIEVER yes it can be  difficult but not IMPOSSIBLE as even the IMPOSSIBLE says I M POSSIBLE.

Based on my life experiences what I personally have came to realize and started believing as well is that the best of the best Planner is our CREATOR only  at times we do get disheartened when we don't get what we wish for , but we are always and for surely Blessed with what is BEST for US. 

So we should have GRATITUDE in our ATITUDE always with what ever we are getting from our surroundings be it Happiness, Sadness , Joy , Anger or what so ever we get but we should always stay positive and look at the brighter side of even negativity as well as POSITIVE sign  +  is a combination of two NEGATIVE - combine together in opposite directions definitely.

You don't need to respond to any negative situation negatively all the time why not try to responding with positivity may be your actions and their reactions  or vice versa levels out the situation and peace is adhered than .

For all my girlies  from  my Finishing School Journey you see none of our gained KNOWLEDGE is ever wasted as even in this POST the two of the LAST 12 SURAHS that we had gone through during our SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT Module are mentioned here . So one of  the most important lesson is  as far as you are working be it big or small nothing is wasted yes delays and relays are part of life but what matters is one should never GIVE UP . Keep on MOVING one way or the other you will surely reach your FINAL DESTINATION . 

Signing off  for the time being,

Monday, January 4, 2021

A Beauty from my PAST

Well written long time ago during the last semester of my BE MECHATRONICS Journey 💗😍


Living an engineer's life has its own beauty
Maintaining every thing properly is now my additional duty
Exploring new things is what I love
May be that's why for me Mecha is all above
From wooden work to construction I had learned a lot
May be that's the way to me it should be bought
From sweet loving incredible and sinusoidal turns
In this short journey I had lot to Learn
Every thing in this world happens for a reason
And that's why I will soon become a Mechatronics engineer "

Signing off

Friday, January 1, 2021

Thousands BUT One

 Thousands we meet

 Thousands we treat 

But the Best one for us is a retreat 

Thousands we connect 

Thousands we react 

But the Best one for us is what Almighty select

Thousands we had laughter with

Thousands we fought with 

But the Best one for us is we connect with

Thousands we attract 

Thousands we distract 

But the Best one for us will always stay connect 

Thousands we care for 

Thousands we dare for 

But the Best one for us are is what we should adore 

Remember the Best of the Best is One and Only our ALMIGHTY and once you feel connected with him only than you have adhered your ENCHANTED DESTINY.

Signing off 


Monday, December 28, 2020

An Un publish story from my past

These are my feelings which i haven't publish Almighty knows  why but now as i am sorting certain things in my life i realize i am still the same and Yes my actions does vary differently based on my circumstances but hey thats me. 

"If u feel like living live ur life to the fullest ,

If u don’t think u deserve to be in this world then ur first instinct is always correct and u should create ur own world y rely on others just to be happy , Happiness comes with in.

If u like shouting out loud, shout with the maximum pitch u can  just do what ever u feel like doing because in the end u ur self and ur heart is what u can adhere the loyalty out of all around life and life after death ,

U were created and that cant be undone

So live to fullest , the way u want the way  feel happy the way so feel relaxed the way u feel calm  they way u feel joy the way u feel like ur self and the way it wont affect ur life after death,

Cauz no matter how bloody or faithful ur relations are , they are just here only ."

i want to conclude that obey your GOD  and have fear of only HIM no one literally no one knows you well enough the way He does. 

Signing off,


We all are Worthy in our own Way

 Greetings All, It's been long since I posted but here I am back again sharing.  As they say life is to be lived and each moment is to b...